Thursday, August 2, 2007

Simplify your life

He said that his life was in a mess. Looks like you need me to counsel you ha? "Yes, I need you to counsel me" he replied.

Think about yourself as a whole. And you, in the centre of a Spira. And think about your circle too. And in your circle you have your Sphere grid(FF10)...well, like License board in FF12.." Dress sphere in FF10-2" he laughed. I laughed too...somehow I found it amusing to relate an order of life like this. I'm a gamer, an ardent fan of Final Fantasy. And he's a gamer too. I think it was easier if we discussed like a gamer's wave length. But somehow it was funny converting the idea that way.

Try to make it simple! "Simplicity" is the keyword! (Hahahaha...keywords! Ring a bell people? Even blogger lived by this rule). Simplify your life! I told him. You know, I'd looked the other way if I found 'whatever' was too complicated and confused. But I don't run away from problems! Face your problems because if you run, it'll haunt you. " too, I don't run away from problems" he said.

It didn't just stop there, so we talked. Me! become a counselor? hahahaha....whatever! for a friend's sake k...that's Yuna! I am who I am. Que sera sera!

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