Monday, July 9, 2007

Colour your life!

Life is a fleeting moment...and as time pass by you are touched by all walks of life adding colours to your life. The canvas is your world and the brush is in your hand to paint the journey of your life.

Last night, I couldn't do more as the Internet connection was so slow. To upload pictures into the 'Shareapic' took longer than I anticipated. Boredom slowly seeped in. Been listening to Zanarkand and Pacelbel's Canon, then later to Ayumi's No more words and Dearest to Hate me by Blue October. My mood sank deeper as The Calling played Wherever you will go. Tears of sorrow slowly poured out when I listened to It is you I have loved featuring the Final Fantasy 12 about Ashe and Bash on YouTube reminding of me and him...our situation. On the other hand, I have friends online that kept me busy. Trying not to think too much before I finally called in for the day.
Colour my life the way I wanted it to be....successful and free! A happy ending.....

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