Monday, June 14, 2010

How much love?

Life is never truly black and white -- there's always a gray area where things get a little messy.

In life, we are bound to be in pickled situations where we have to make difficult choices. We are bound to face a number of challenges from day to day but in the end, we find triumph and strength in knowing that we’ve made our best decisions, there are no mistakes and everything in life happens just as it should. Sometimes we beat up ourselves for making certain decisions, taking the risks, putting our dreams, friendships or family ties on the line

Life is about choices . . . and with all of our choices, there are circumstances.

My good friend decided to put aside his love because his grandfather opposed their relationship. I was really mad at him when he broke the news. His reasons for breaking up were not astounding as it should and I feel sorry for them since both are my good friends. I could only gave spiritual supports for them to pull through though I wasn’t sure if I did it right

As the time goes by, they move along and became best friends. ..Looking out for each other…making sure that the other half is doing ok and making the right choice in whatever decisions. This kind of sacrifice really disheartening me…I feel so so sad what they have to go through the onus of love. It is REALLY not fair.

Then how much should one sacrifice for love? Can someone sacrifice all life's worth of love? How instrumental is sacrifice in making a relationship work? How much more? How much more? How much love?


Roger said...

no one loves me :(

james ...colourful world said...

love never restricted between girl and boy it is beyond that .........