Monday, October 20, 2008

Go stealth

I was a bit taken when he was screaming from the other end like “Damn! You wasted my time!”...thats what I felt. Confusion set in or was I too much? I felt guilty of course and I thought about our nuts, chasing round the bush, exchanging words and our findings trying to find a solution over a non important matter which we thought it was from the beginning…(oh dear!). I went into ‘vacuum’ and isolate myself. I don’t want to think further more but ‘Sorry..sorry..sorry..’

A friend was wondering if I am ok since I was quiet and didn’t say much. I have been receiving a number of negative energies and this small one just added to my blue mood. Ever since ‘I will be off during your General Assembly” My lips were tighten and tears envelope my eyes. I don’t want to show my sorrow and I don’t want to spoil whatever left we had. Days are numbered. For a while I was staring blindly and couldn’t think until he asked “What were you doing?” that brought me back to just play along and have a good chat till morning after. “Don’t make any promises” I once told him for I hate promises. They are either to be kept or broken. I rather take my days run freely and no empty promises.

Sometimes I thought of good friends I have and had. I just wish I could start all over again and maintain the friendship like the beginning of our acquaintance. Those days were more fun and full of laughter. I think they probably agreed.

Windows were wide open and now shutters have set up and soon the blind will completely close and there is only one door...and go stealth

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