Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Just 'Yuna'

Thanks to ALL for the birthday and New Year wishes! I am touched!

As usual, Naqi, was the first person to say it... on the dot of 31 December and 1 January, though he was damn busy with his assignment. "Actually Naqi, Tenko beat you at it as he said it in advance 3 days ago...hahahaha...!"

But here is a poem made by my dear friend, Anand. I am sharing it with you.

Cute Yuna

She is simple, silent and very cute;
So feminine but always with a gamer's boot.
Her excitement says it all,
She conquers and conquers them all.

Her beautiful face has soothing charm,
She has abudant happiness in her emotional 'farm'.
Her ambitions distend far and wide;
She surfs brilliantly through the 'life' tide.

An intelligent advisor she is,
Talk to her - you'll feel bliss.
She ripped through the tough times with ease;
She'll attain success without any 'grease'.

She laughs her way - spreading love,
Peaceful and lovely like the dove.
Her words resemble a runa;
Long live pretty friend YUNA.

by Anand Bora

Thanks, Anand from the bottom of my heart. I'm honoured.
I think you put too much cream on the top of the ice-cream. :) hahahaha....
Yes, I like it my dear friend
That I cannot pretend
Thank you very muchy
It is very touchy!
(heheh..mere shayer to nahe!)

1 comment:

anandi said...

Thanks YUNA for posting it.
Hope all is fine on your side.