Friday, January 25, 2008

Hello....I have been busy lately. Yeah, busy with my latest blog called 'Bed Time Stories' . It all started from " I bet you have watched Real Life Final Fantasy Play" but I have not. So Tenko gave a few links from YouTube related it. I laughed and we had a great time exchanging the links we found. This is one of the best, . "I wish we can do one like that...what about you? You have UTHM and friends who may help you...." I said. Well, it is not about the venue but who else in UTHM are FF craze like Yuna? So, that is absolutely out the question and beside that, one requires a good video camera too. And so, we started our Real Life Final Fantasy Play a different way. We make up a story. We tell tales on whom we were, where we went, with whom we fight and things or weapons we brought along. We add some characters and goofiness. It was hilarious. A good play.

Thus, I thought "Why not put it in a blog?". And so.....the story goes....
Hope you enjoyed reading it.

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