Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Alien verses Predator!

Tenko, Fareeq and I, we share some common interest like in games, songs, movies and hobbies. What we love most is about history on wars. The three of us will chat endlessly on war games, weapons, tactics, famous incidents, quotes, war movies…bla….bla…bla…wars! Somehow we ended up playing Tribalwars together. Among three of us, Fareeq is the most aggressive one who will use ‘Command & Conquer’ tactic. He and his fellow comrades act like a pack of wolves bringing down the unwanted players or any threatening players, keeping the peace in K88. Tenko, the assassin type, who loves the under covers’ job, would rather work on his own than in group. “The General, the most important person, would stay behind giving orders and focus on the mission” he said…Ggrrrr..{Oh, yeah?} And me, I am more like an ambassador, a liaison officer, a diplomat, a councilor, bridging a relationship with the other tribes and advisor too to both gentlemen and W.E members. I will try my very best to create rooms for our tribe to grow by creating ideas and visions besides seeking approval by her gentlemen.

Somehow, “You love Aliens?” Fareeq was surprised that I too loves all the Alien movies especially played by the actress, Sigourney Weaver. “Yeah, Predators too!” I declared “but I love Aliens more and Tenko loves Predators” I told him. The boys LOVE predators so much and we were trying to proof which one is the strongest…Alien or Predator?

Boys: Predator!
Me: Alien!
Boys: They are civilized and intelligent, a skilled hunter.
Me: Alien, an intelligent animal who use their basic instinct for survival. They live in a colony and adapt to all kind of surroundings!
Boys: They have cool gadget and superb weaponries
Me: Alien is self proclaimed killer weapon on its own!
Boys: Predator lives on a planet of its own
Me: Alien lives anywhere and everywhere they like...hahahaha…
Boys: ?????
Me: Alien will take any living creatures as their surrogate mother! just name it!

Me: Alien marries Predator…a new breed, a Predalien!
Fareeq: You think Alien can dominate Superman?
Me: Why not? A Superalien! Wearing underwear! LOL! Hahahaha…WOW! I have yet to see this because Superalien can fly! Inherit Superman’s abilities…what a bonus indeed!
Fareeq: What about Spiderman? Who is the strongest?
Me: Of course Spidalien! Hahahahahaha……GOSH! Spidalien swinging from web to web!

I was having a fun time already, dodging everything queries from Fareeq on Predator verses Alien. Yeah! I strongly believe that Alien is more dominant than predator. I love the movie where Sigourney Weaver playing the role of part human and part alien…..a Humalien? Don’t be humiliated people for she is the super human breed! Excuse me John Rambo..make way..make way…hahahahaha….Girl Power! Yeah! XD

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