Friday, May 16, 2008

Respect thy brothers n sisters

I am not sure where to start….

“Yuna, you better watch out! I am going to attack your village” warned GG about his involvement in Tribalwars at World 19. Maybe he was trying to make a comeback to be a best friend like before. He left me 10 months ago and perhaps he forgot about the 10 months of silence and absent. Indeed it was not a laughing matter. “My TW boyfriends are just next to your village. YOU better watch out!” I warned him. How shall I say to him? That in TW, I am NOT the Yuna he used to know…Hahahaha…I have my loyal TW boyfriends who would just make a kill at my order “I have my interest with GG’s village near you for my new villa” I mailed out. “In due time my dear, we will have a tea party at your new villa..LOL!” was the reply. Hmmm…how sweet of him!

“Sms..sms..sms..sms..sms” Han! The most humble W.E members that I know. “Do you want this 3K village?” He sms-ed to me the other day. He’s been very cooperative and willing to give away any villages with good points he had scouted and even cleared the nuisance troops for me, and then offered me like “At your majesty’s service”. I am embarrassed. “Do you want the 5k and 6k villages?” he sms-ed again today. Gosh! This time I turned down his offer “Why don’t you have it Han? You deserved it!”. I have had such offers from my two TW boyfriends and Hey, I have adopted the same concept with my fellow members and friends too, for example, one for Tenko86 and another for Skyhill. Sometimes you take some and you give some. The sacrifices and offers one make to all the good friends. “Yunie, you killed two of my nobleman caused you got that village first” cries the General. “Don’t worry, I will replace it with two more villages for you”
Respect and cooperation will buy you an honour. No matter where you are!

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