Tuesday, September 11, 2007

An Andriod Yuna

Yelling and Ultimate Nullification Android

Get Your Cyborg Name

I was Laughing-out-LOUD when I got this (see above) from Tenko last night!That was Oh! so so sooooo cooool! Y.U.N.A., a Yelling and Ultimate Nullification Android. We laughed hysterically when we typed other names. It was fun and full of laughter!

Transforming Electronic Nocturnal Killing Organism

Get Your Cyborg Name

And Tenko, he loved his new name (read above) especially being a nocturnal...hahahaha...Yessie! active playing games like 24/7 'Killing Organism'...Oh! how true! He's a MEAN Killing Machine when it comes to games. He's about to become a Jedi! hahahaha...To be knighted!hahaha...An Admiral too...Hello! huhuhuhu.....Tenno Electronic Nocturnal Killing Olympian woweeee!!!

Networked Android Qualified for Infiltration

Get Your Cyborg Name

Well...if anyone wants to join the fun..you have to go through N.A.Q.I. See if he can gives you the ticket for infiltration hahahaha....Anything for laughter and good times! Hey! wait a minute...hehehehe what about GG? Gratification Guardian! ok..ok..he's my guardian angel. Thank you!

Have fun people!

1 comment:

qdeez said...

hoh my name..
but naqi pon da letak kat fs naqi..
ne way
robot rules!!