Tuesday, July 17, 2007

About Basch

Basch fon Ronsenburg is a 36-year-old Captain in the Order of Knights of Dalmasca.

Basch's famous words: "After Vayne’s ruse I had abandoned hope for honor... Yet never did I forget my knightly vows."
"I had someone more important to defend. And defend her I have. How is it that you have survived?"

Oooo Aaaaaa the old english ...how romantic as it being spoken! I'm beginning to like Basch character in the Final fantasy 12. He is resilient, Steadfast, trustworthy, noble and loyal right down to his bone. Though he was being duped as a traitor but yet he bounced back not just to proved that he was framed but, he IS who he is....a knight! Though Vaan, the main character in FF12, it is Balthier who is stealing the show and Bash, loomed in the shadow gradually raised and submerged to claimed his rights to be on stage. Making his appearance more prominent as it interlude by romantically link with Queen Ashe. Oooo Aaaa once again! http://youtube.com/watch?v=h9_ZIDuhXGs

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