Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Shut me up!

Less is not enough but over board is bad!

Hmmm...actually I'm not in the mood. I'm feeling low and 'Don't-care-a- damn-thing'...sort of. I've been staring at the screen for so long. Been searching for a suitable picture to post. But my desire has gone. I'm in a naught. Help...! what help?

Then I remembered to send some links about FF8 to my good friend, Anand, who is in Bangalore. He has asked me which character in Final Fantasy he'd be. At first I told him, Zell because Zell is a fighter and a go-getter like he is but Laguna Loire fits him best. So, I've been feeding him more info on Laguna of FF8. Hmm...at least this will keep me busy for awhile.
Aha! I found this with Squall in it. Real life Squall...Excited? Yes, I was! http://youtube.com/watch?v=j98bEDqEc3I. So I send this to my good buddy, Tenko who was online. We chatted...somehow I have totally forgotten about my earlier blues. His best friend, Naqi come around at the same time. So preoccupied shall I say...until we were pooped! Bed time buddies! Tenko left some advises before we draw the curtains down.
And my head...was filled with this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vKoIw_THvQ
Over and over until I finally sleep.....(Try and shut me up!....hahahahaha...)

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