Monday, August 27, 2007


Life is getting more sensitive and vulnerable.
"Yuna, how are you getting on? Are you ok? You take care, love."
Those words ringing in my ears...."Yeah, Riz thank you! I'm fine and you take care too!" Whatever conversation has to be short and simple. Sealed with a loving K.I.S.S...Keep It Short & Simple! With Riz, I could talk but I can't cause I'll cry..and then I would be unbalanced..sensitive and vulnerable...and where is my best friend to console me? So best keep it...straight face! Make myself busy! Go out with Dotty! Filled my ears with The Strokes and My Chemical Romance. Dream about New Zealand.
I was in the car when I heard 'Hilang' from Diddy ( mind was 'somewhere' ...slowly tears envelopes my eyes...I looked away Eeeee.. I hate myself like this! Damn it! I was with Dotty on the way to Midvalley. After the song, I composed and glanced at Dotty. I smiled and wondered..."whatever is in Dotty's head". If only he knew my madness...and I ...I don't want him to think that I'm just hitching a ride (I'm not).
I thought of this song, serenading from far far away

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