It is good to be back online. Get connected once again. I guess in this new generation, no one like to be left behind or out of touch.
Last Saturday, I purposely disconnected myself from internet working. I could just go to the Cyber Cafe if I want to but I didn't. I just want to feel what was it like without all these cyber madness. I watched TV, watched movies and did some house chores. Result..a BORING life! I spend most of the day sleeping. I slept while watching TV and movies. If I had my PS2 with me, I could be just doing that. But then, even the games had become a monotonous thingy. Lucky thing that I had my handphone with me. GG SMS occasionally. I'm not out of touch after all. That Saturday, my handphone had become a precious net connection to me. Oh my goodness! that bad ha...
Hello world! Yuna is back! I'm looking for a better connection this time.
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