Wednesday, March 21, 2007


My dad has been discharged. Huh? I was suprised to hear from him when I was on the way to the hospital with mum and grandma yesterday evening. That afternoon, I rushed home. I had some naps before getting ready for another half of the day. My brain has set the time and schedules for the day. I am always like this...always plan ahead. Yes, in whatever I do...whatever! Maybe I have to learn to relax but how?

Looks like dad's surgery will be held on the 6th of April. He was cheerful when he saw us coming. He is a quiet man like me but yesterday he talk and talk and talk. Me? Oh my god my dad's next bed man was a handsome young dude. He kept looking and smiling. I just smiled when my dad introduced him to me. We talk awhile and thanked him for keeping my dad accompany. He told us the agony my father had that morning and was a hanky panky thingy at the ward. Oh man...that doesn't sound like him at all. I feel sorry for my dad. "Imran", he said. Huh? my mind was blurred for awhile. Oh, I'm Yuna...said briefy and shying away. Come on Yuna this guy need a lady to cheer him up too...Oh yeah? Then, there was a ardent admirer, Syed, who is ever at her majesty's service if I needed him. Told him my dad was alright and we're bringing him home. He will drop by our house to visit my dad soon. Oh brother! whatever Syed....whatever!

On our way home, I text Squall. I needed a distraction for awhile. What a day and I was worn out. Syed, my chinese brother,Adnan and his wife came. All those talkings of yikkity-yak sound like noises to me. I went to my room closed my eyes and listened to my MP3....aaaa....Final Fantasy...the music and songs are my savior for the evening.

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