Friday, April 20, 2007

Final Fantasy's effect

When you are scared...where is your secret hiding places? Mine, anywhere anytime my Final Fantasy. The only places I'd go to ease my whatever pain and whatever that is frightening. I just listen to their music or watch any of their video clips at YouTube. My world from whatever turmoil warps into another Fantasy world. It is the only world I know that soothes and calm me. Some how it gives me strength to a new day. Strange? It works for me.

In fact right now, I'm listening to 'The Calling' from the Advent Children. I don't mind listening to it over and over again until I'm fully recover. Strange? Maybe different people have different ways of regaining their strength and spirit. I do pray and seek guidance through his path. But I still need a 'Sounding" effect for a miracle energy that I need. If only you would understand.

You think I'm day dreaming? Perhaps? But Final Fantasy worlds ....I'm able to relate so much. Hey! I am Yuna am I not? I rest my case.........

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