Sunday, April 22, 2007

Today's catch

Today it is like catching up with whatever! Yeah..whatever....

1.GG caught up with me explaining the reason he left abrupty last night. I know GG that you were burned out and you know I hate it! So call it even ok...

2. My mum called ...yesterday we had a misunderstanding so we talked with open arms. Now mother and daughter's problem has solved. You is not easy to be the 'Pillar of Strength' to everyone at home. My back is about to break!

3. A few ardent fans of my blogs...catching up with my latest news...ouch! Shall not expose too much the next time. "Hey! do your blog please..Yuna would love to read it!"

4. My 'Girl Talk' friend, Nur, with the good news on Nurfera effect with dengue fever. Her family is recovering. "Nur, Yuna hope to chat with you soon."

5. GG once again. He is love sick today, excuse me!...with his girl la...but Aiyoo....always fall with the same old tactic! hmmm be it!

6. Catching up with my "Sifu", Suha! Another class to attend because "Curiosity kills the cat"
Sifu doesn't mind to handle this Ms Cat.

7. GG SMS..."Burned out!" Hei, Yuna too la...!

So goodnight everyone!

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