Thursday, April 5, 2007


When she's down and sorrow, where would Yuna go and hide. She goes to Machalania woods' pool. Yuna knows Kimari will be nearby watching over her. Her faithful guardian.

When I feel down and sorrow, where would I go ? I wish there's such place as Machalania woods. Ah.. Yes, Eucalyptus Woods...! But where on earth you can find one but in New Zealand! I wish I were there now...the Eucalyptus scent surround me and the serence of lush green trees on the mountain top...I think that is heaven. I don't mind spending everyday there away from the materialistic world and search for a pool of water like Yuna did at Machalania woods to bring her calm.

I guess I'm lucky that there are people who cares and watches over me when I'm feeling zero. Yeah...Zero! Meaning emptiness. Have you ever feel like "nothing" ....whatever!

Tidus said that I should cry as much as I want tonight. And that there's more than zero in life. Let go of the emptiness that drags me down and be free again. What is Yuna without her freedomness?

Hmm...I want to go to the pool now and sit there to watch the sunset untill the night comes and moonlightning. I'm crying......

1 comment:

XSDX said...

It maybe a disturb. But maybe you can give the lines out. What is Yuna's video/audio crystal sphere record all in the travelling company of mihan highway road. I would say please!