Thursday, April 12, 2007


I haven't been playing games (PS2) for quite some times. The last time was a month ago. I was stuck at Phone Coast with my FF12. Frustration sucked in. I bought another CD and the result was the same. Played Resident Evil 4 for awhile. Instead of Leon, I took Aida Wong's role. She's a tough cookie to play with due limited weapons and ammunition but her flying kick was like a death penalty. Wuhoo! go girl! I pited Leon though, as a government agent....his story line was full of double crossing, dagger in the back, got inffected to safe the President's daughter who in the end (at another RE episode) became a zombie herself....poor Leon all the trouble he had to endure.

When I'm glued to a subject, I gives 100% attention to it. It becomes a passion. And I cannot do without it in a day. When I was playing Final Fantasy, I can even played from wee hours in the morning and ended at the next day's wee hours . Paused the game to bath, eat and drink...and of course..when you have to go, you really have to go. Stop when my eyes are really really tired and needed some sleep. I remember those days I played a 3 days stretch as I wanted to finish it. Food? Called Domino cooking ha..ha..ha.. that easy and thats how fanatic I was with the Final Fantasy! But at work, no one knows the other side of my life but two colleagues. All my secret codes and passwords at the office were related to FF. You name it..Tidus Yuna Gunblade Squall Rinoa Chockobu Rikku Wakka and many more. But in the year 2004, I so crazy with Smallville. Imagine, the database for Hanoi's registration's password was either Smallvile, Clark Kent, Superman or "somebody safe me" ha..ha..ha.. I think the authorised Vietnamese personnel are having fun opening the database too. But those were the days. At present I'm so attach with blog.

My passwords with the internet world are all related to FF, the numbers or whatever are FF. FF games offer with the secret codes, secret hidding places and objects have taught me to become one. In this virtual world, I am what I am but I am not what it seem or seen. Wuhoo! go girl! That is really fun.

Maybe all these games and fantacising, has taken me much away that I think not of any problems. I took my life the easy way. I don't bother so much with the outside world. To me, my PS2, my room, my home is my domain. That was my life back then. But now, I'm back living with my parents...all has changed. I was pushed away from my selfish world. I was struggling to fit in, in the world where you have to make and give attention to others as well. I have to commute and to spend quality time with real people who cares and who loves me.

Yuna, it is about time anyway. To focus more on your real life. Just live well'll make it!

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